What it takes to be an entrepreneur
Personal skills
They are full of energy. They often work non-stop and have a greater capacity for work than the average person. They're perseverant, imaginative and not afraid to take risks. They are born driven!
Learning, researching, finding contacts, knocking on the right doors. Successful entrepreneurs don't let a problem stand in their way. They are resourceful and know how to make things happen.
Sense of accountability
To make it in business, you have to be accountable, deal with the consequences of your decisions and keep your promises.
Entrepreneurs are often eccentric! They are original, creative and innovative. Successful entrepreneurs have no shortage of ideas when it comes to setting themselves apart. They usually have lots of ideas and look into the feasibility of even seemingly farfetched propositions.
Business is more than just a game of reason. Intuition can often be the road to success. Those who succeed look beyond appearances and trust their intuition.
Job skills
Decision making
Making decisions is a basic part of being an entrepreneur, but successful entrepreneurs can make decisions fast. They can quickly identify their options, analyze them, make what they believe to be the right decision and accept the consequences.
Successful entrepreneurs know how to delegate as well as manage. They lead and know how to rally their employees around a common goal. They trust their employees and empower them by delegating responsibility and authority to them.
Successful entrepreneurs organize work, assign tasks, coordinate and achieve objectives, and put many different pieces together to form a cohesive unit.
Successful entrepreneurs know business opportunities when they see them and do what it takes to seize them. They are the first to take the leap and rarely let opportunities pass them by.
They love to predict and anticipate, trusting both their judgment and intuition. They are always looking ahead and contemplating various scenarios so they can edge out the competition in the race for new business opportunities.
Interpersonal skills
Those who succeed are good communicators. They send clear, consistent messages. They are also good listeners who pick right up on non-verbal language.
The art of negotiation is being able to convince others and sell your idea.
Successful entrepreneurs surround themselves with the right people. They build solid, competent, responsible and engaged teams. They choose people who complement them and make up for their own shortcomings. They also understand the importance of creating a good network of business contacts.
Build on your strengths and develop new skills!
If you are driven and hardworking, go for it! You can always develop your skills through training or an advisor or mentor. Successful entrepreneurs are always updating their skills, as well.
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Read the complete article on Desjardins' website