Stepping up to the OSEntreprendre Challenge to meet his dreams.
Christian Côté’s Words of Wisdom
Discover also: Christian Côté’s Defining Moment
For me, to be entrepreneur at heart is to have a dream, a vision; it is to be ambitious, bold and creative and enjoy the journey. By living my passion, it is like I have regained the same gang of friends that used to meet me in my parents’ garage, the same passion, pleasure and creativity…
When starting a business, you must fully believe in yourself and take action to overcome the obstacles that stand along the road to success without getting discouraged. You have to have a thick skin and resiliency, all while constantly putting yourself into question.
"I am grateful to the OSEntreprendre Challenge for believing in me and my business. It is an indispensable competition for young entrepreneurs as it helps guide them towards realizing their dreams."
The competition gives the winners the necessary credibility to approach partners and customers; it opens doors for better visibility within the corporate network.
Palac is the proud recipient of the regional award in the “technological and technical innovation” category. The recognition gave me a boost of energy and encouraged my team, who are all doing their best to offer customers a first-rate product.
My experience with the competition made me realize how much progress was made since the launch of my company. I have a deep appreciation for all the effort invested to bring this passion project to life. The OSEntreprendre Challenge inspired me to stimulate innovation within my company and help create more jobs.
This initiative calls attention to the essential role of young companies in the evolution of our society and highlights their potential. It recognizes the expertise, credibility and qualities of the entrepreneur, while giving them the opportunity to garner awareness within the business community.
— Christian Côté, CEO of Palac Industries inc.