Three moms that were born entrepreneurs


Friday, May 4, 2018
To facilitate a healthier work/life balance, many women decide to revise their career plans and make the leap into entrepreneurship. Discover three entrepreneurs who found that motherhood inspired them to pursue their dreams.

Bulle: When Mom turns entrepreneur

When she became a mother, Valérie Doran-Plante couldn’t help but notice that jewellery and babies do not pair well. Have made jewellery since before the age of 10, she recognized in that fact a business opportunity and started making pieces out of food-grade silicone, like the clip-on pacifier that is her star product. A few months after launching Bulle in the spring of 2014, the company was turning a profit and Doran-Plante left her job as a human resources counsellor to devote herself to her new business.

Picture of Valérie Doran-Plante, founder of Bulle

Read the whole story about Valérie Doran-PlanteThis link open a window. and Bulle


Popup Camp: Everywhere daycare

While completing her MBA, Geneviève  Bégin would bring her daughter to networking events. But she noticed that many of her colleagues, especially women, often did not attend such meet-ups. It was her observation that many women didn’t want to compromise their family for their career that spurred the business-mom to launch a company offering childcare services for events attended by parents between 30 and 45 years of age. Three years after its launch, Popup Camp is moving beyond its original mandate. From marathons to weddings to City of Montreal committee meetings, Popup Camp allows parents to bring some balance to their work and family lives.

Picture of the two founder of Popucamp

Read Geneviève BéginThis link open a window.’s full story

Déclic: Developing children to their full potential

Coincidentally, Cadleen Désir landed on the idea for her business in 2006 while she was pregnant. Her pregnancy forced her to rethink her career and create a profession for herself that was more in line with her values as a mother. She started Déclic, a social services business for kids that gathers together child development experts, psychologists and nutritionists under one roof. The company has proven to be successful, and today Déclic helps some 375 children every week.  

Picture of Cadleen Desir, founder of Déclic

Read the full story on Cadleen DésirThis link open a window.