5 great reasons to sign up for a Startup Weekend


Wednesday, June 21, 2017
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Dive into the entrepreneurial sea by participating in a Startup Weekend or attending the next Startupfest in Montreal. No matter what event you choose to visit, you will greatly benefit from discovering the creative universe of startups. Here are 5 reasons that will motivate you to participate.

1- Hone your entrepreneurial skills

The challenge put forth during a Startup Weekend: 54 hours to develop a viable business project. During the development of their projects, teams benefit from the support of mentors to craft a compelling business model, which participants have 5 minutes to present to the judges. A great way to practice presenting an effective pitch. Once the presentations are done, the winners of the entrepreneurship competition are then chosen. Whether the life of an entrepreneur, with all its highs and lows and enormous amount of pressure, is for you or not, there is a lot to learn during a Startup Weekend. If you are already in business, this type of event can also help you think outside the box, keep you up to date with market trends, and generate new ideas. A Startup Weekend can provide a priceless experience since it is often so easy to remain in our comfort zone.

2- Improve an idea

Do you have an idea, but it’s not completely defined and you’d like to improve it? Presenting it during a Startup Weekend could be the solution to ensure it is interesting and viable. If your team chooses your idea, you will have a few people to help you develop and improve it. Several heads are always better than one! You could even have access on site to certain technologies, specifically to help you create a prototype.  Mentors can also provide guidance to help you identify angles you would never have thought of as an aspiring entrepreneur. It can also save you a lot of time by quickly pinpointing potential pitfalls.

3- Leverage your skills

You may not have grand entrepreneurial projects, but are you a programming, marketing, engineering or design whiz? If you also like getting involved with stimulating projects that need to be built from the ground up, you will without a doubt be sought after by aspiring entrepreneurs who will know how to put your skills to good use. During the Startup Weekend, you may even realize that your expertise has real value on the market and that you’d like to start your own innovative business!


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